Instrument Quality Assurance

Double Data Entry

Double Data Entry (DDE) is the practice of requiring users to manually input the same instrument data twice in order to reduce the risk of error in data entry by flagging differences between the primary and secondary data entry. For DDE-enabled instruments, a participant's instrument data collection at a given visit cannot be finalized in LORIS unless both the first data entry form and second (double) data entry form are completed.

When an instrument's data is completely entered for both the primary and secondary data entry, the conflicts between these two datasets are automatically computed and reported in the Conflict Resolver module (For more information about conflict resolution navigate directly to the Conflict Resolution section or continue following the documentation)

To enable an instrument for double data entry, the instrument must be listed under the "Double data entry instruments" section of the "Study" tab in the Configuration module. DDE data is saved in a separate entry in the database identified by the same CommentID value just prefixed with the DDE_ string.