0.0: Preamble

This file describes the general format to be used by Loris to describe instruments as a JSON object and will likely become an important part of the API and/or mobile specific versions of Loris.

This format will supercede the .linst files created by the current instrument builder.

1.0: Instrument format overview

Instruments consist of a JSON object describing the instrument to be loaded and rendered. The object contains a Meta key which contains an object representing meta data about the instrument and the version of it described by the JSON object.

An implementation should ignore any keys it doesn't expect so as to make it easier to extend this standard without breaking backwards compatibility. Instruments MAY implement both the instrument format described below and the accompagnying rules format in the same JSON object, or they MAY be used independently.

1.1: The Top Level JSON object

The high level view of the JSON object looks like this:

Instrument format:

    "Meta" : {
        "InstrumentVersion": string,
        "InstrumentFormatVersion" : "v0.0.2-dev",
        "ShortName" : "InstrumentName", /* Required */
        "LongName"  : "The Human Readable Instrument Name", /* Required */
        "IncludeMetaDataFields" : boolean
    "Elements" : [ PageElements ]

Where each key should be interpreted as so:

Meta.InstrumentVersion: A string (determined by the instrument author) to describe the version of the instrument being described by this object. There are no restrictions on how to determine the InstrumentVersion, but it SHOULD change with any changes to the instrument object.

For instance, if an InstrumentVersion of "MyInstrument-V1" exists and the options were changed in a SelectPageElement to better match the paper copy of the instrument, the InstrumentVersion of the new version SHOULD be changed to "MyInstrument-V2" or in some other way that could differentiate the instrument objects.

The InstrumentVersion is a self-contained string which can be interpreted independently of the ShortName or LongName of the instrument.

Meta.InstrumentFormatVersion: A hardcoded string specifying what version of this spec the instrument is written to comply to. For this spec, must be "v0.0.1b-dev". Required.

Meta.ShortName: A short name for this test suitable for a database table or file name.

Meta.LongName: The long, human readable version of this instrument name.

Meta.IncludeMetaDataFields: An implementation (such as Loris) may have special fields that are included with every instrument such as a scored Candidate Age or examiner for the instrument. If this is true, a rendering of this instrument SHOULD include those fields. If false, the instrument has a reason to exclude them. Default: true

Elements: An array of elements which this instrument consits of. Elements are described by JSON objects defined below and can be either an individual element, or an ElementGroup.

2.0: Page Elements

PageElements represent an individual element in an instrument such as a select box or textbox. Each type of element may contain type specific options. In general, a PageElement object has the following format:

    "Type" : string,
    "Name" : UniqueQuestionIdentifier,
    "Description" : "Human readable question text",
    "Options" : {
        /* TypeDependent JSON Options */

Type: A string representing what type of element it is.

Name: A unique (within the instrument) identifier to identify this PageElement. This identifier MUST be unique and MUST NOT contain special characters as an implementation MAY use it as an identifier for a database column or DOM object. Name may be required or may not depending on the type. The descriptions of the types below only specify if it's required, but these restrictions apply to all types where it's required.

Description: The human readable description of this element, such as question or label text. This may or may not be required depending on element type.

Options: An object containing the type dependent options for this element. If omitted defaults are used.

2.1: Specific element types

2.1.x describes input related types
2.2.x describes layout related types
3.x describes element group related types.

2.1.1: Select Element

A Select element encompasses both HTML select and multiselect types and appears as follows. It denotes a group of values of which the user must select one option (or many, if AllowMultiple is true):

    "Type" : "select",
    "Name" : REQUIRED,
    "Description" : REQUIRED,
    "Options" : {
        "Values" : {
            "SaveValue"       : "Human Readable Description",
            "SaveValue2"      : "Another human readable description"
        "AllowMultiple"   : boolean,
        "RequireResponse" : boolean

Type: MUST be select.

Name: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Description: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Options.Values: REQUIRED. Contains a JSON object specifying the options to be selected. Each key/value corresponds to <option value="JSONKey">JSONValue</option> in an HTML implementation. The JSONKey contains the value to be saved if selected, and the JSONValue contains the human friendly text to display to the user.

Options.AllowMultiple: Boolean. If true, multiple values may be selected by the user at once. If false, only one option can be selected. Default: false

Options.RequireResponse: Boolean. If true, an implementation should automatically add a not_answered option to the select box in addition to the values specified to allow the user to explicitly not answer a question but require that some answer is entered. If false, it should not. This is done instead of simply adding the option to Values to ensure consistency with other PageElement types such as date or text. Default: true.

2.1.2: TextElement

A text element represents a place for the user to enter text into a form and save it. The format is as follows:

    "Type": "text",
    "Name": REQUIRED,
    "Description": REQUIRED,
    "Options" : {
        "Type"  : "large|small",
        "Regex" : "string",
        "RequireResponse" : boolean

Type: MUST be "text".

Name: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Description: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Options.Type: Either "large" or "small". If "large", the user is meant to enter a lot of text (ie. a comment box) and is likely to be represented by a <textarea> in an HTML implementation. If "small" the user is meant to enter a little text and is likely to be implemented by a <input type="text"> in an HTML implementation. Default: small

Options.Regex: Optional, a regex that the data entered must conform to. If not entered, no rules are enforced.

Options.RequireResponse: If true, there MUST be some way for the user to specify that the question is not answered, regardless of other rules. If false, the not answered option is suppressed. Default: true

2.1.3: DateElement

A DateElement represents a way for a user to enter a date. The general format is as follows:

    "Type": "date",
    "Name": REQUIRED,
    "Description": REQUIRED,
    "Options" : {
        "MinDate" : "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "MaxDate" : "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "RequireResponse" : boolean

Type: MUST be "date".

Name: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Description: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Options.MinDate: The minimum date that can be chosen by the user. Format is YYYY-MM-DD

Options.MaxDate: The maximum date that can be chosen by the user. Format is YYYY-MM-DD

Options.RequireResponse: Follows the same rules as TextElement:Options.RequireResponse.

2.1.4: NumericElement

A NumericElement represents a numeric data input and has the general form of:

    "Type": "numeric",
    "Name": REQUIRED,
    "Description": REQUIRED,
    "Options" : {
        "NumberType": "integer|decimal",
        "MinValue": number,
        "MaxValue": number

Type: MUST be "numeric".

Name: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Description: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules.

Options.NumberType: "integer" or "decimal". If "integer", the input must be an integer. If "decimal", it can contain a decimal point.

Options.MinValue: A number representing the minimum value that can be chosen by the user. May be a decimal if "NumberType" is decimal, and an integer if "NumberType" is integer.

Options.MaxValue: A number representing the maximum value that the user can select. Type of number depends on "NumberType" value. If both MinValue and MaxValue are specified MaxValue MUST be greater than or equal to MinValue.

Options.RequireResponse: Follows the same rules as TextElement:Options.RequireResponse.

2.1.5: ScoreFieldElement

A score field represents a placeholder to display/save values based on other data entered by the user in the instrument but does not directly get input from the user. It has the following form.

    "Type": "score",
    "Name": REQUIRED,
    "Description": OPTIONAL,
    "Options": {
        /* None currently */

Type: MUST be "score".

Name: Required. Follows PageElement.Name rules. The Name MAY be used by an implementation as a field name to save calculated data into.

Description: Optional. Follows PageElement.Name rules. If not specified, the score will be displayed with no accompagning text.

The following types are related to page layout and not directly related to user input, but are nonetheless important for rendering of instruments. For these elements, Name is NOT REQUIRED and unused.

2.2.1: HeaderElement

A HeaderElement represents a header which should be displayed with some level of prominence (ie bolded or centered.) 1 is the most prominent header, and lower numbers should be used for subsection/subheaders. There is no need to add a header with the instrument name as an implementation of this spec MAY already do so. There is no limit for how many levels of headers may be used by an instrument.

    "Type": "header",
    "Description": "Required",
    "Options": {
        "Level": integer

Type: MUST be "header".

Description: Required. The text to display in the header.

Options.Level: The level of the header. 1 is the most prominent and subheaders (or sub-subheaders, or sub-sub-sub-headers) get increasingly high levels.

2.2.2: LabelElement

A label element represents some text to display to the user with no accompagnying user input. It has the following form:

    "Type": "label",
    "Description" : REQUIRED,
    "Options": {
        /* None currently */


Type: MUST be "label".

Description: Required. The text to display in the label.

Options: None.

3.0.0: ElementGroups

ElementGroups represent some kind of grouping of elements and may represent, for instance, a table, rows in that table, pages, or groups of elements that aren't tabular but should be logically grouped together into a row.

Groups have the general form of:

    "Type"      : "ElementGroup",
    "GroupType" : Type,
    "Elements"  : [ /* Array of elements */]

Type: MUST be "ElementGroup".

GroupType: must be one of the types defined in section 3 of this documents.

Elements: must be an array of elements from either section 2 or 3 of this document. Specific GroupTypes may have restrictions on what type of element is permitted within that GroupType's elements.

3.1: Page

A page group represents a group of questions to be displayed on a single page together. It has the following form:

    "Type"      : "ElementGroup",
    "GroupType" : "Page",
    "Elements"  : [ /* Array of elements of any element or group type defined in this document */],
    "Description" : OPTIONAL

Any element that it not part of a Page group will be placed on a default top level page.

Type: MUST be "ElementGroup".

GroupType: MUST be "Page".

Elements: May be of any type except with the exception that a Page MUST NOT have further Page groups embedded into the Page.

Description: OPTIONAL. A name to give the page which may be used to aid in page navigation. If missing, an implementation may use any method it chooses to differentiate pages.

3.2 Element

An Element group denotes a collection of elements which should be displayed together and separated by a delimiter.

They often have rules which work together and may be interdependent.

Element groups have the form:

    "Type"      : "ElementGroup",
    "GroupType" : "Element",
    "Elements"  : [ /* Array of elements defined in section 2 of this document */]

Type: MUST be "ElementGroup".

GroupType: MUST be "Element".

Elements: May be any element type defined in section 2, but MUST NOT contain further subgroups.

3.3 Table

A table group denotes a group of rows that should be grouped together into a tabular form.

It contains only row groups which should all be of the same size. If the row groups are not of the same size, rows of a table rendering should be padded with empty cells at the end to grow smaller rows to the size of the biggest row.

    "Type"      : "ElementGroup",
    "GroupType" : "Table",
    "Elements"  : [ /* Array of Row group elements defined in section 3.4*/],
    "Description" : OPTIONAL

Type: MUST be "ElementGroup".

GroupType: MUST be "Table".

Elements: MUST only contain Row groups.

Description: OPTIONAL. A table footer to label the table figure.

3.4 Row

Row groups denote rows in a table. If rows are not in a table, they should be rendered such that they are an element group which spans the entire width of the page independently of other rows on the page.

If row groups are part of a table, they should be rendered into a tabular form where each column of the table has the same width. Table headers can be created by adding element types of type "header" into the row group.

    "Type"      : "ElementGroup",
    "GroupType" : "Row",
    "Elements"  : [ /* Array of elements defined in section 2 of this document */]

Type: MUST be "ElementGroup".

GroupType: MUST be "Row".

Elements: May contain any standard element type from section 2.